
Mariah the Scientist – Different Pages Lyrics



The song “Different Pages” by Mariah the Scientist explores the breakdown of a romantic relationship due to lack of communication and trust. The narrator begins by expressing their disappointment in their partner’s actions, highlighting the distance between them since they left New York. The partner’s lack of effort in staying connected and not even wishing the narrator a safe flight signifies a disregard for their emotions and well-being.

The narrator comes to the realization that the partner is not the person they thought they were. They describe the partner as just a boy, emphasizing the immaturity and inability to fulfill their expectations. Despite this, the narrator acknowledges their own role in the situation and vows to lift themselves up instead of relying on someone who can never be enough for them.The chorus suggests that temptation and a lack of communication are to blame for the relationship problems. The absence of open conversation and understanding leads to misunderstandings and misinterpretations of each other’s feelings. A single conversation could have resolved some of the issues if both parties had been motivated to make things work. However, the lack of effort and differing perspectives have resulted in the couple being on different pages emotionally.

In the second verse, the narrator expresses their frustration at not asking for much but still receiving sideways glances from their partner. They recognize that the partner never truly loved them, but they allowed themselves to be led on regardless. The narrator reflects on the potential of what their relationship could have been if they had learned to be patient and had more meaningful late-night conversations. However, it is now clear that they were played by their partner, and they refuse to let it happen again.

The chorus repeats, emphasizing that the problems in the relationship stem from temptation and lack of communication. The narrator recognizes that a single conversation and a little motivation could have made a difference. However, they acknowledge that they have been on different pages with their partner for a while now and that claiming and changing things no longer serve a purpose.

Overall, “Different Pages” delves into the disconnection experienced in a relationship where communication and trust are lacking. It addresses the pain and disappointment that arise when two individuals fail to align their emotions and perspectives, highlighting the importance of open dialogue and motivation to sustain a healthy partnership.

Different Pages Lyrics by Mariah the Scientist

[Verse 1]
Haven’t spoken since I left New York
But I guess you left me here with no choice
Didn’t bother comin’ back that night
You didn’t even wish me a safe flight
You aren’t the nigga that I thought you were
Just a boy, will address you as such
And a boy could never be enough
I let myself down, I’ll let myself up

You can blame it on temptation
Blamin’ lack of communication
And all we needed was a single conversation
And maybe just a little motivation
Baby, you could blame it on temptation
Blamin’ lack of communication
And all we needed was a single convеrsation
And maybe just a little motivation
Lately, wе just been on different pages

[Verse 2]
Never asked for much, not even my way
That was enough to have you lookin’ at me sideways
But not enough to make a nigga come home and right all his wrongs
I knew you never loved me, I still let you lead me on
Baby, oh, baby
Where would we be if we just had learned be patient?
All them “What ifs” and all them late night conversations ’bout what we could have
It ain’t nothin’ but understood that I let a nigga play me
Won’t let you do it twice, won’t do the same thing
Won’t let you make it right, no need in changing
No need in claiming me
And as much as you know it pains me

You blame it on temptation
Blamin’ lack of communication
And all we needed was a single conversation
And maybe just a little motivation
Baby, you could blame it temptation
Blamin’ lack of communication
And all we needed was a single conversation
And maybe just a little motivation
Lately, we just been on different pages

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